Rome, 12 Dec. (Reuters Health)-once there were area, Dukan and minestrone soup today fad diets-by Paleo to Bootcamp until ‘ mima ‘ fast-multiplying with an impressive pace, supported by the testimony of celebrities or sport. “To make more complex and disturbing the picture is the widespread idea that overweight and obesity are a result of an alleged condition of allergy or food intolerance. In recent years there has been a veritable explosion, especially on the web and social networks, of restrictive diets, based on diagnostic tests for ‘ intolerance ‘ run on various biological samples (blood, saliva, hair) and offered as able to pinpoint the causes of overweight “. This underlines the Sid (Italian society of diabetology), who warns the Italians from these ‘ hoaxes ‘, often via the web. In fact, most of this information is derived from Internet sites devoted to so-called non-conventional medicine, but there is no rigorous scientific evidence supporting the use of these tests to diagnose adverse reactions to foods or to predict any future reactions. ” So the experts of Sid, together with the Italian Association of Dietetics and clinical nutrition (Adi), the Association diabetologists (Amd), the National Association of Dietitians (Andid), the Italian society of human nutrition (Sinu), the Italian society of pediatric nutrition (Sinupe) and the Italian society of obesity (Sio) have crafted a document that analyzes the relationship between allergies/intolerances and weight gain. Purpose: to provide the world with scientific and professional help to ensure proper communication with the citizens. A document that “aims to provide clear and solid scientifically, to counter the risk of partial information and often moves only by market interests.” Well, when asked whether there is a link between food intolerance and Overweight/obesity, experts of this Position paper answer with a resounding no. “There is some connection,” says Rosalba Galloway, editor of the paper for the Sid and expert in nutrition-between any food allergies and overweight, and there is no scientific evidence can validate the tools of ‘ diagnosis ‘ often used to support the link between allergies and obesity. These diagnostic methods, such as the food-specific IgG4 antibodies dosage-warns-are not recognized by the scientific literature. The positivity of this test does not indicate a condition of allergy or food intolerance, but a simple physiological response of the immune system to exposure to components found in food “. Targeted by experts also some tests such as elettrodermici, the heart rate variation and iridology, just to name a few, who not only are not specific for the diagnosis of Allergy and food intolerance, nor for other diagnostic purposes. “To counteract the overweight, says Giorgio Sesti, President of Sid-there’s only one way: to increase physical check this link right here now activity and reduce the amount of calories in the diet. Macronutrient composition of the diet has less impact on weight loss, but it is essential for membership in the long term and, among other things, helps make healthier food model. “” The best results are achieved by using food models-insures 6th-cultural/traditional roots in the Mediterranean diet, obviously taking into account the individual needs “. Nutritional therapy for weight loss must be associated with a lifestyle change, which experts-including-will recommend regular physical activity of moderate intensity, for at least 30 minutes five days a week. To help overweight children instead, “behavior change must involve the entire family. In summary, create a link between allergies/intolerances and obesity is likely to be an alibi dangerous to public health and a business for some stakeholders. The traditional healthy Mediterranean diet is always the right answer and the best for a healthy lifestyle, “they conclude.